
2016 – Thistle- ink, phosphorescent painting- 29x36cm

“The Dutch invented the microscope … they were jewelers, lens turners. They cared for details, because there is a meaning even in tiny things.
Whenever you see a fly or an insect in a still life – a faded petal, the slight bruise of an apple -, the artist is sending you a code message. He is telling you that living things do not last … that everything is ephemeral. Death is inherent in life. This is why they are called still lifes. ”
Taken from: “The little goldfinch” Donna Tartt
Year: 2016

The art and the senses
Every means has its limits:
the music is blind,
the painting is silent
the paralytic sculpture

pelle.chiara75@gmail.com || 333 00 00 333
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