2009 – Moths in the evening shade – sketch for sculptural project – aluminum- 1300x475x210
l’ombra della sera
the evening’s shadow
by Chiara Pellegrini
Milano is a city you travel across. Often our eyes do not linger on things: they just taste them… and look away.
With this piece of work I wanted to focus the attention on public parks seen as meeting places; a pause in a place that become horizontal again. To think over a missing condition: imagination.
Latin name: Argema mittrei (Fam. Attacidae)
Common name: Cometh moth
Originally all butterflies were diurnal creatures. Some of them modified their habits choosing night in order to survive to predators.
In some cultures there are legends saying that moths are protected by the spirits of the dead.
I have always thought that insects can feel and reveal imminent changes.
Perspective reversal.
Enlarging insect allows to enlighten the small. So I played to invert proportions and force relationships to leave a footprint, a signal of something that lives in another dimension… starting from invisible realities.
”Falene- l’ombra della sera” – “Moths – the shadow of the night” was selected for the contest “Scultura nella città, Progetti per Milano” (“Sculpture in the city, Projects for Milan”). It was displayed at “La Società per le Belle Arti ed Esposizione Permanente in May-June 2009 and it is part of the catalogue printed for the occasion, “Scultura nella città, Progetti per Milano”, published by Skira.
The goal of this project, besides enlighten and delve into an art often neglected or not understood by the general public, is to actually contribute to the enrichment and requalification of Milan also for EXPO 2015.
The project is structured as a contest divided into two age categories for well-known sculptors and a “young section”.
Artists: Italo Antico, Kengiro Azuma, Anri Ambrogio Azuma, Gabriella Benedini, Chiara Benedetti and Sara Maltese, Giacomo Benevelli, Roberto Biscardini, Andrea Cassone, Claudio Borghi, Alterstudiopartners, Giovanni Campus, Nando Canuti, Valeria Armani and Lorenzo Bonini, Nino Cassani, Alex Corno, Salvatore Cuschera, Guido di FidioandGiorgio della Vite, Pino di Gennaro, Vittorio di Muzio and Alessandro Alberti, Michele Festa, Gaetano Fracassio, Paolo Gallerani and Aldo Castellano and Giuditta De Vecchi, Alberto Ghinzani, Franca Ghitti and Federico Acuto, Lydia Lorenzi and Monica Bresciani, Giancarlo Marchese and Studio Maiocchi Pellegrini, Armando Marrocco and Laura Scrimeri, Felice Martinelli and Dessivo Vianelli, Franco Mazzucchelli and Sandro Cabrini, Walter Mutton, Hidetoshi Nagasawa, Gianfranco Pardi, Paolo Persichetti Scopinich, Edi Sanna, Anna Santinello, Francesco Pietro Siccardi, Paolo Schiavocampo, Giuseppe Spagnulo and Federico Spagnulo, Mauro Staccioli, Grazia Varisco, Franco Zazzeri and Francesco Paglia. Sezione giovani: Lorenzo Attisani, Ilaria Beretta, Matteo Bissaca, Mattia Bosco, Esterni, Clara Camerino, Pasquale Carucci, Marco Chiesa, Gianluca Codeghini and Gian Maria Sforza Fogliani, Lucia di Pierro, Fabrizio Dusi, Maddalena Fragnito De Giorgio, Agostino Gallina, Fabio Loda, Alberto Gianfreda, HO-Jin Jung, Pietro Marchese, Anna Teresa Ritacco, Piermarco Mariani, Barbara Pignone, Francesca Puddu, Daniele Nitti Sotres, Francesco Panceri, Chiara Pellegrini, Nada Pivetta, Chiara Ricardi and Lorenzo Serafin, Cristiano Mattia Ricci, Erika Rocchigiani and Davide Ferraris and Fabia Marta Ponte di Pino, Pietro Paolo Spoto, Leonardo Zuccaro Marchi.
The President of the “Società per le Belle Arti ed Esposizione Permanente” Guido Podestà, the Assessore all’Arredo, Decoro urbano e Verde (town councilor for urban furniture and decoration and gardens) Maurizio Cadeo, the Assessore alla Cultura (town councilor for culture) Massimiliano Finazzer Flory.
Technical features:
My sculpture is made of 15 elements in bended steel measuring 100×155 cm each.
The installation is going to be placed in Parco Sempione, in the lake between Castello Sforzesco and Arco della Pace. It occupies a total area of 1300×476 cm, with a maximum height above water of 210 cm.
Made in 2009.