2009 – Microsystem- mixed media – 25X20X15
Microsistemi – Microsystems
Using a magnifying glass and a cardboard box I imagined small and alienating environments; Microsystems made of different elements and placed on different perspective levels overlapping-standing out and varying with the distance of the eye of the observer.
Microsystem 1- At a closer look, no one is normal
I believe that insects can feel and reveal ongoing planetary changes; that’s why I played with proportions, force interactions.
The picture of patients of an former mental hospital underlines another issue: …to accept and carry out the idea that experiences and human feelings are not “illnesses”… To perceive sounds and dimensions different from a reasonable vision of the world is a characteristic, a feature of our way of being… since
Human beings have always shaped their life and actions from invisible realities…
Created in: 2009/2010
Technical features
Micro-installation to be hanged at eye level (about 140 cm)
External: cardboard cylinder 24×24 cm, magnifying glass
Internal: picture of a former mental hospital
Locust: resin and metal
Microsystem 2- Frida
When you come back from a trip, for a certain amount of time, you often find the signs of it around the house: train tickets as bookmarks, seashells on your kitchen shelves or exhibition leaflets… then things pile up, melt and overlap… with memories.
Created in: 2009/2010
Technical features
Micro-installation to be hanged at eye level (about 120 cm)
External: cardboard cylinder 24×24 cm, magnifying glass
Internal: Frida Kahlo self-portrait card of an exhibition held in the Museo della Permanente in Milan.
Mexican seashell
Microsystem 3- 3D
Are we really ready for a global “collective vision”?!
Created in: 2010
Technical features
Micro-installation to be hanged at child eye level (about 90 cm)
External: cardboard cylinder 24×24 cm, magnifying glass
Internal: photography exhibition card by Contrasto agency, 1999
Comet moth: paper
For a better graphic display of this piece of work, this project’s pictures do not show the cardboard cylinders that should contain the Microsystems.
Quote from: “Dietro ogni scemo c’è un villaggio” (“Beyond every dumb guy there is a village”) by Giuseppe Bucalo – Published by Sicilia Punto L.